Little Feat Tribute Show

I was privileged to be one of the backing musicians for Newmyer Flyer’s June 2018 tribute show dedicated to the music of Little Feat.

I first became aware of Little Feat via the Byrds, who covered “Truck Stop Girl” on the “Untitled” live album. Around the same time, I read Ed Ward’s review of the “Strawberry Flats” single in Rolling Stone. The adolescent me later bought the first Little Feat album upon its release in November 1970 and played it incessantly.  And 48 years later, Little Feat still marches on.

The Newmyer Flyer show featured many very fine performances, and two of my favorites were Patty Reese’s cover of “Willin'” and Tony Denikos’ take on “Twenty Million Things” (scroll to the 1:12 mark to avoid the bass tuning preliminaries).  (Thanks to Tom Libera for the video postings.)